28 February 2011

I Heart Faces - Anything but Faces Photo Challenge

My daughter playing dress up as always.  My older daughter calls her a real life Barbie doll as she has the long blond hair,blue eyes and loves to dress up!

Head over to I Heart Faces for more entries.


Amy @MoMomma said...

Great Photo... I love the perspective! :) (I am entry #138)

Unknown said...

Love the perspective and colors! Really beautiful!

Mindy said...

Love this!!

Christie Brown Photography said...

Great angle. I love tutus!! :)

Chellie Dee said...

Very fun! The colors are fabulous!

Casey said...

Love the colors and the angle, great shot!

Sojourning Sadlers said...

Ditto on all of the above - kudos!

Jubilee Photography said...

Love the hot pink... Great shot!

Sian said...

oh wow I love the angle and the colour. Fab!

deb duty said...

Fun photo! Love the composition.

Martha Cate Spencer said...

I knew I'd like this one. I'm a sucker for tutus. ;)

Stephanie Robb Photography said...

I love this! The processing is fantastic!

blessedbeyondmeasure said...

Great capture! Love the perspective, sometimes it makes all the difference!

Melissa said...

I love this picture. The texture of the tutu, the colors. Very fun.

Ashley Swallow said...

I love the angle! :)

Tamar SB said...

Great angle! Love it!


Unknown said...

Great angle!!! Wonderful shot and wonderful perspective!

Leyla said...

Nice angle and texture!

carlotta cisternas said...

The colors are so bright and vivid and I love the perspective :)

Melissa Jacks said...


Unknown said...

my little girls are here and very excited over this girlie goodness!

Jackie said...

i love the wand!

Lisa @ MMT said...

Love the angle, the vibrant colors and the tutu! Great pic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This picture makes me smile and wish summer was already here.
Great job.

Diane said...

very cool! quick question... how did you get the FB thing at the bottom? I've been looking for one, and love it

Valerie said...

Saw this on "i heart faces" facebook page. Great angle and wonderful colors!!

Sherry said...

Oh how sweet!!

Cecily R said...

LOVE the angle.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much everyone! :)

tangie said...

really gorgeous!!