03 September 2010

Fix It Friday #69

It's time for another fix it Friday!  Love the picture they used this week.  Such a beautiful couple.  Anyway, my edit was done is CS4 and I did a color one as well as a black and white edit.  My versions are below.  You can head over to I Heart Faces to see some more. 


My color version:

My black and white:

Steps for color edit:
opened and cropped image
used florabella lighten/brighten action
used my dodge and burn tools to darken/lighten image where I thought it needed it
curves tool to brighten midtones and adjust color
added some warmth using paint the moon action
sharpened for web

I have my own action I created to convert to black and white.


Tiffany said...

I love how nice and crisp your edits are!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much and for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful edits. I like both. The color adds warmth, yet the b/w is classic. Well done!

Rachel Durik said...

Lovely edits! You did a great job!

Anonymous said...

Great edits. Love the classic look of the b/W. Can I ask how you did your header? Love the changing photos.

Anonymous said...

Your b/w is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone!
Momswhoclick: I sent you a message about the blog format.