07 July 2011

Zenfolio ZOOM Tour

I have used Zenfolio from the very beginning of starting my business.  They have been amazing to me and so great to work with.  So happy to be a customer of theirs.  If you are also you know what I am talking about.  If you aren't, you should be!  
They are having an upcoming tour called the Zoom Tour.  Below is some information if you are interested:

ZOOM Tour 2011

The ZOOM Tour is the perfect opportunity to get to know more about Zenfolio and meet other photographers like you! ZenMasters will answer your questions and demonstrate the bells and whistles Zenfolio offers. Industry professionals will be presenting on topics related to site design, order fulfillment, marketing and more. You can also look forward to goodies and fabulous prizes from Mpix and other top vendors in the industry.  Register for this free event and reserve a bag of goodies in your name! And if you bring a photographer friend with you who is not yet a Zenfolio user, you will both receive a gift certificate for $10 towards Mpix prints and products. Don’t stop at one; bring all your photographer friends!

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