29 September 2010

My Children...the Guinea Pigs

Ever since I became really interested in photography, my children have always been willing and ready to help me out in any way they could.Whether that meant waiting patiently until I got just that right shot of the sunset, or modeling for me while I tried out a new lens or technique. Lately I have been working on my OCF (off camera flash.) I bought the following equipment:  flash zebra ettl cord and remote triggers to use with my canon flash.  I also have a standard studio lighting kit to use as well. Needless to say I have been experimenting on my girls quite a bit.  The other day I noticed Katie had her hair all straightened and a bit of make up on.  She look so beautiful.  I immediately said "hey!  let's go for a ride!"  She is always up for an adventure.  I grabbed my gear and out the door we went.  I have been dying to try out this field of yellow flowers near our house.  I was thrilled with the way it photographed!

Then on to the OCF! Comes in really handy when you are shooting brightly back-lit subjects like the image below.  Had I not had it, Katie would have been a mere silhouette.  Not real pleased with this one as I feel her face is too washed out from the flash but it is what it is.  Still learning...

This one was done when it was pretty much dark:

And one done at twilight:

I still have much to learn and will keep practicing until I get it just perfect! Thanks Katie for helping me out! I hope you enjoyed your frosty! You earned it. :)

1 comment:

Shalon said...

Love those shots! I just started learning photography myself and my 5yr old has been so willing to be my guinea pig too!